Sunday, November 21, 2010

Andi's Blessing Day- 1990

So this picture is brought to you via a scan. Way before digital cameras were in use there was stuff called film. It was manually put in a camera to portray images on a film to be developed into photographs at a later date. Usually a person took their role of film contained in a metal cylinder encased in a dark plastic canister to a camera establishment to pay them money to have their professionals develop the pictures. You had to decide beforehand if you wanted singles or duplicates. Days later you would return to said establishment and pay a small fortune for pictures you may or may not want depending on how still your subjects had stood at the last event you attended. A person didn't dare throw out a questionable picture 'cause it might be important to someone decades later.
The important event was the day Andrea was blessed. This is taken on our front porch just before we headed to church. We lived on Blue Sky in Salem. Oregon. Eldon and Jane drove from Utah to be there. Vickie and Sammi are included in this assortment of kids. Everyone is related to Jim, Chris and Chad. We are all family!
Starting from the center going clockwise: Aaron (squished in the middle), Chris holding Sammi, Jim, Amryn, Rachel, Andi (in Jim's' arms), Chad, Vickie.


Andi said...

actually I'm pretty sure Jim is the one holding me and Chris is holding Sammi :) Thanks for putting this up!

Karen Decker said...

Thanks Andi. I made the correction. I had Jim and Chris mixed up. Gees. You'd think I could tell my own kids apart. :) Love you!